You can now pay for school meals using Parent Pay – Login here
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ParentPay Parent Guide to Preordering
Universal Infant Free School Meals’ is available. This means that all children attending school in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, will be entitled to free school meals, regardless of income or eligibility for benefits
By receiving free school meals you can save up to £400 a year and ensure your child is eating a healthy, balanced meal every day. Your child can choose from either a hot lunch or a packed lunch (sandwich).
How Universal Infant Free School Meals will affect Pupil Premium
We’d like to remind you that if you are what the government terms ‘on a low income’ your child qualifies for free school meals and schools will receive £1,300 for every primary aged pupil registered as eligible. Students don’t have to take our meals if they don’t want to but, if they are on our Free School Meals register, then they qualify for all sorts of other financial benefits throughout the year.
When a student is on our Free School Meals register, the school receives extra money for that student which has to be spent only on the education of free school meals students. This extra money is called the Pupil Premium and its purpose is to ensure that children from low income families are not at a financial disadvantage during their education as a result of home circumstances.
Is my child eligible for Pupil Premium?
In order for the school to receive the Pupil Premium funding a Parent/Carer must be claiming one of the following benefits:
· Income Support
· Income-Related Employment and Support Allowance
· Income-Based Job Seekers Allowance
· Child Tax Credit (but no Working Tax Credit is being received by the claimant or his/her partner and the combined annual income as assessed by HMIR on a TC602 form is not above £16,190)
· The Guaranteed Element of Pension Tax Credit. · Asylum Seeker under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
You can click on the link below to take you to the County Council website, with more details of Free School Meals and how to apply.
Staffordshire County Council, Free School Meals Information and Application Form