Year 2’s Class Page. 2017-18
Maryellen Homer – Class Teacher in Year 2.
Summer (2) Term
Dates for your Diary
26.06.18 – Sports Day – Rowley Park
05.07.18—Parent consultations
12.07.18 – Summer Fayre
16.07.18 – Meet the Teacher
Our learning this half term
Welcome back Year Two parents and children! We hope you have all enjoyed your break!
We will continue to focus on our challenge pack; The Really Rural Show.
The children’s challenge will be to recreate the countryside in our environment. We will be collaborating with Year One to create and design our school Summer fayre which will take place on the 12th July. We look forward to you joining us!
Children will be looking at the famous artist Andy Goldsworthy and will recreate sculptures using his style. They will be showcased at our challenge outcome. We will continue comparing geographical features of town
This term, Miss Evans who is a student teacher will continue to work with your children alongside Mrs Gill and Mrs Micklewright. We are all very excited and are looking forward to continue working with you.
This term, we will be focusing on Athletics. Children will be learning a range of skills such as; jumping, running and throwing.
Please ensure your child has a named PE kit in school. We have P.E on Fridays.
If your child wears earrings, please make sure they take them out on PE days. If they are unable to do this, plasters are available.
Every week your child will receive a set of spellings. Please practise these at home as we will have a spelling test every Monday.
Summer (1) Term
Dates for your Diary
Date for our trip – tbc
Thursday 5th July – Parents Consultation Day Year 2
Our new challenge pack this term is ‘The Really Rural Show’.
The children’s challenge will be to recreate the countryside in our environment. We will be collaborating with Year One to create and design our school Summer fair.
Children will use their sketching skills to draw images and objects related to the rural environment including landscape drawings and paintings.
We will be exploring the countryside and the children will learn about different wildlife. They will also compare and contrast the countryside to Stafford. They will explore their features and facilities that both the countryside and a town has to offer.
P.E. This term, we will be focussing on Athletics. Children will be learning a range of skills such as: jumping, running and throwing.
Please ensure your child has a named PE kit in school. We have P.E on Fridays.
If your child wears earrings, please make sure they take them out on PE days.
If they are unable to do this, plasters are available.
Homework – Every week your child will receive a set of spellings. Please practise these at home as we will have a spelling test every Monday.
The new NICER homework comes out at the beginning of the term.
Spring Term Attendance
Encouraging regular attendance is one of the most powerful ways to support children; for both for their happiness and wellbeing, as well as improving their learning in school.
In the spring term our classes attendance was 93.2% with our school target being 96.1%. With your continued support we hope to achieve our school target attendance in the summer term.
Week Beginning Monday 4th September 2017
We kick started this half term with a fantastic visit from Sublime Science as part of our Big Adventure. Children enjoyed being scientists for the day and their costumes were brilliant! Year Two’s challenge was to create a shelter to keep the Lego family dry. Children lots of materials and then designed their own shelter. After lunch children used their collaboration LPT and created their shelters. We then went onto the field and tested them. We discussed how to keep it a fair test by using the same amount of water on each shelter. During the day each class had a session with Sublime Science children used their observation and questioning skills and joined in will experiments. Children really enjoyed making the sherbet sweets and most of them tasted it too! During the rest of the half term in Science we continued to learn about materials. We looked at which materials are suitable for certain objects and why. Children also tested which materials are absorbent and non absorbent. Children continued to use their observational skills by exploring different material to see if they can change shape. Children experimented by squashing, squeezing, twisting and bending materials. In Maths this half term we started looking at numbers up to 100. We ordered and compared numbers and then looked at the value of each digit. The past few weeks we focussed on addition and subtraction. We started off adding a one digit number to a two digit number using concrete objects such as numicon, straws and counters. We then moved onto using pictures to help us solve problems. We used the same methods when subtracting and children used their noticing LPT and explained how they must start with the biggest number when subtracting. After half term we will move on to using two, two digit numbers and applying these methods to help us solve questions. In English we have focussed on our writing around our class text Katie Morag. Children have thoroughly enjoyed learning about Katie Morag’s adventures on the Isle of Struay and have even written their own adventure story! We have also used adjectives, similes and alliteration to describe the main character and the setting. In NICER children generated questions that they would like to find out about our scientist Dian Fossey and used iPads to research. During ICT children used word to type up an interesting fact and learnt how to change the font style and size. We gathered our information and created a fact file all about her. We looked at why she was famous and how she is still remember today. We then created a timeline using these events. In geography we have focussed on maps. Children have followed simple maps using direction and then created their own maps for their classmates to follow.